Quotes from Denizens of the 70’s What did you find most special about living in Aspen in the 70’s?

John McBride
"The joyful, almost whimsical, local community. It was a delightful place to be."

John Wilcox
"The legacy mountain town skiing and the eclectic characters!"

Dede Brinkman
"The 70’s in Aspen were teeming with freak culture, unadulterated freedom and boundless opportunities."

Mary Dominique
"Free to be me!"

Dick Carter
"It was an escape from the old world thinking of the East coast to a place where youth ruled and there existed a prevalent aesthetic where anything seemed possible."

Art Daily
"The 70s in Aspen were about freedom and exploration and in that space I went a bit crazy at times but I was able to find out more of who I truly was."

Harry Teague
“Safety third.”

Tim Mooney
"I arrived in 1970…was the meca of skiing That’s what brought me here. The character of the people, the amazing environment, the joy of the outside, the freedom from societal bullshit, hippie role models and the perfect log cabin kept me here."

Tom Cardamone/Jody Cardamone
"I hitchhiked into Aspen in the summer of ’72. My early impression after working a while with a group of wilderness advocates, including Jody, was that locals accepted anyone able to contribute to the character of the place. Your CV, pedigree, and net worth didn’t define you."- Tom Cardamone
"Born and raised in Aspen, for me the 70’s were exciting times, with growing environmental awareness and changing politics. Local community action to protect our wild lands from development of all kinds was happening. I felt empowered to get involved - embracing it wholeheartedly." - Jody Caudill Cardamone

Edgar Boyles
"We came for all different reasons; escaping the city, escaping a war, escaping family,escaping lives of dullness. We headed to the mountains to create new ways of living. We skied hard, we played hard, we worked hard. It was a time of great equality here; there were no differences between the classes of we young as we gathered at the J Bar on Friday afternoons for 'Roll Call'. It was an enchanted time before greed and money and pretense took over. We didn't know what a special time it was. And yet, there is still magic here."

Kirk Baker
“Everyone was having a good time every place was fun and rent was $150/ month. Low cost good times.”